Friday, March 30, 2018

Polpala Aerva lanata

Family: Amaranthaceae

Properties: Antidiarroel

Medicinal preparations:
                                       - A leaf decoction is prepared as a gargle for treating sore throat
                                       - A leaf decoction and an inhalation are used to wash babies who are                                                        unconsious during an attack of Malaria and some other diseases
                                       - Leaf sap used for eye complaints
                                       - An infusion is given to cure diarrohea
                                       - Ash of leaves and flowers are used as a paste to rub on cuts on the back 

Wel penela Cardiospermum halicacabum

Family: Sapindaceae

                 - Antipyretic
                 - Anti haemorroidal
                 - Anti inflammatory

Medicinal Preparations:
                                       - A decoction prepared from its roots is given to treat bleeding piles
                                       - Juice of leaves is put into ear for ear-ache
                                       - Poultice prepared from leaves is used for skin eruptions
                                       - Inhalation prepared from crushed leaves to relieve headache
                                       - Tonic prepared from seeds are used for fever and rheumatism

Iramusu Hemidesmus indicus

Family: Apocyanaceae

                 - Cooling
                 - Antipyretic
                 - Alexiteric (resistance to poison)
                 - Antidiarroel
Medicinal Preparations:
                                      - Tinctures
                                      - Infusions
                                                         in treating abdominal problems, skin diseases, bone ailments,                                                                  respiratory disorders and urinary infections

Adathoda Justicia adhatoda

Family: Acanthaceae

                  - Improves the functioning of the respiratory system and immunity system
                  - Antispasmodic
                  - Expectorant
                  - Blood purifying
                  - Anti-bacterial
                  - Anti-inflammatory

Medicinal Preparations:

                  - Decoctions for cough, cold and asthma
                  - Expectorant for cough
                  - Poultice for wound and rheumatic symptoms

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Agriculture and Agriculture Related Degrees in Sri Lanka

Bin Kohomba Munronia pinnata

Scientific name: Munronia Pinnata

Family: Meliaceae

                  Contain chemicals which are useful in treating,

                                          - Haemorroids
                                          - Eczema
                                          - Coughs
                                          - Malaria
                                          - Dysentry
                                          - Asthma
                                          - Blood disorders
                                          - Vomiting
                                          - Fever
                                          - Swellings

Plant parts used: Whole plant with roots

Propagation: seeds

Medicinal Preparations:
                                        - "Sudarshana Churna" (Powder)
                                        - "Chandraprabaa Watee" (Pills)

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Heen Araththa Alpinia calcarata

Common name: Snap Ginger (Heen Araththa)

Family: Zingiberaceae

                    - Native to Sri Lanka, India and Australia
                    - Evergreen and easy growing
                    - Can grow in any region of Sri Lanka
                    - Grown as an ornamental plant/ herbal plant

Image source:

Ayurvedic use:

                   Used in treatments for,
                                                          - Rheumatism
                                                          - Pain
                                                          - Anorexia
                                                          - Hoarseness of voice
                                                          - Catarrh
                                                          - Excessive sweating

Parts used in treatments: Rhizomes

Related medicinal uses:
                                       - "Kapha nashaka"
                                       -  Aphrodisiac

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Beekeeping Process - Basics

This video explains the process of Bee Keeping from the beginning, step by step. It was a documentary produced by Export Agriculture students (Gen 8) of Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Biodynamic Preparations - Vitalizers

  • Biodynamic agriculture has a different philosophy about soil when it comes to soil nutrition. In this agriculture system, prior to cultivation, the soil is considered as dead (has zero nutrients)

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Biodynamic Planting Calendar

  • Biodynamic agriculture is based on two major things
    • The cosmic energy
    • The Earth
  • The planting calendar is about rhythms of cosmic solar, moon and earth
  • Understanding the rhythms of  cosmos is really important for Biodynamic agriculture to work
  • These are the rhythms that sustain all lives on earth
  • Using these rhythms for seed sowing and planting works best in organic agriculture
  • Planing the cultivation of crops based on these rhythms enhance the quality of crops as these rhythms improve the fertility of living soil
  • This agriculture system uses astrology to make the Biodynamic agriculture a success
  • Energy of the sun (cosmic energy) continuously streams toward the earth
  • In addition to that other planets are also stream energy. i.e - Moon is an important planet which influence the plant growth, fertility, water uptake and water movement inside the plant 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Honey Bee

  • Social insect
  • A colony consist with three casts
  • Queen (female)
  • Workers (female)
  • Drone (Male)
  • Live on combs made of wax

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Introduction to Biodynamic Agriculture


Biodynamics is a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food, and nutrition (Biodynamic Association).

Biodynamic Agriculture;
  • Is an advanced form of organic agriculture with an emphasis on food quality and soil health
  • Focuses on spiritual exposure/cosmetic energy
  • Doesn't use synthetics
  • Astrological influence is considered with biophysical factors

Diya Gowa Limnocharis flava

Common Name :   Diya gowa 

Scientific Name : Liminocharis flava 

Family : Liminocharitaceae 

Life cycle : Perennial 

Angili thana Digitaria adscendens

Common name :  Angili Thana

Botanical name : Digitaria adscendens

Family                  : Poaceae

Life cycle              :  Annual

Monday, March 19, 2018

Maha Kudamatta Fimbristylis dichotoma

Common name - Maha Kudamatta

Botanical name - Fimbristylis dichotoma

Family         - Cyperaceae

Life cycle - Annual

Rila Thana Ischaemum timorense

Common name - Rila thana

Botanical name - Ischaemum timorense

Family         - Colchicaceae

Life cycle - perennial or annual

Introduction to Beekeeping

Bee keeping,

is the science & the art of keeping bees, to obtain bee honey & other by products or for the purpose of pollination

Bee keeping,

  • Provide valuable food, especially to rural populations
  • Provide remunerative employment
  • Earn much needed foreign exchange
  • Require no large investment
  • Contribute to pollination and thus crop production
  • Require practically no space on the farm
  • History of Beekeeping
  • Hunting of bee honey from the jungle was practiced before earliest written history

Niyagala Gloriosa superba

Common name - Niyangala

Botanical name - Gloriosa superba

Family         - Colchicaceae

Life cycle - Perennial

Thunessa Cyperus iria

Common name - Thunessa

Botanical name - Cyperus iria

Family         - Cyperaceae

Life cycle - Annual

Habarala Colocasia esculenta

Common name - Sand Lovegrass

Botanical name - Eragrostis trichodes

Family         - Colocasia

Life cycle - Perennial

Sand Lovegrass Eragrostis trichodes

Common name - Sand Lovegrass

Botanical name - Eragrostis trichodes

Family         - Poaceae

Life cycle - perennial

Salvinia Salvinia molesta

Common name - Salvinia

Botanical name - Salvinia molesta

Family         - Salviniaceae

Life cycle - Perennial

Apala Urena lobata

Common name - Apala

Botanical name - Urena lobata

Family         - Malvaceae

Life cycle - Annual

Diya Nidikumba Neptunia oleracea

Common name  -  Diya nidikumba

Botanical name Neptunia oleracea

Family                    -  Lamiaceae

Life cycle                -  Perennial

Maduruthala Ocimum sanctum

Common name -  Maduruthala

Botanical name - Ocimum sanctum

Family                    - Lamiaceae

Life cycle                - Annual 

Gampalu Mikania cordata

Common name - Gampalu

Botanical name - Mikania cordata

Family          - Asteraceae

Life cycle - Perennial 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Diya Siyambala Aeschynomene indica

Common name - Diya Siyambala

Botanical name - Aeschynomene indica

Family          - Fabaceae

Life cycle - Annual 

Bata Dalla Isachne globosa

Common name - Bata dalla

Botanical name - Isachne globosa

Family          - Poaceae

Life cycle - Annual or short lived Perennial 

Bajiri/Maha Maruk Echinochloa crus-galli

Common name - Bajiri/Maha maruk

Botanical name - Fimbristylis miliacea

Family          - Poaceae

Life cycle - Annual 

Kuda Matta Fimbristylis miliacea

Common name - Kuda matta

Botanical name - Fimbristylis miliacea

Family          - Cyperaceae

Life cycle - Annual or perennial

Koora Amaranthus viridis

Common name - Koora

Botanical name - Amaranthus viridis

Family          - Amaranthaceae

Life cycle - Annual

Ambul Ambiliya Oxalis corniculata

Common name    - Ambul ambiliya

Botanical name   - Oxaliscorniculata

Family                 - Oxalidaceae

Life cycle            - Perennial 

Andu Eryngium foetidum

Common name - Andu

Botanical name - Eryngium foetidum

Family         - Apiaceae

Life cycle - Perennial or Annual

Karal haba Achyranthes aspera

Common name - Karal Haba

Botanical name - Achyranthes Aspera

Family         - Amaranthaceae

Life cycle - Perennial

Gotukola Centella asiatica

Common name - Gotukola

Botanical name - Centella asiatica

Family         - Apiaceae

Life cycle - Annual

Mukunuwanna Alternanthera sessilis

Common name - Mukunuwanna

Botanical name - Alternanthera sessilis

Family - Amaranthaceae

Life cycle - Annual

Hulanthala Ageratum conyzoides

Common name - Hulanthala

Botanical name - Ageratum conyzoides

Family         - Asteraceae

Life cycle - Annual

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Wal Koththamalli Scoparia dulcis

Common name - Wal Koththamalli

Botanical name - Scoparia dulcis

Family         - Scrophulariaceae

Life cycle - Perennial

Rampe Pandanus amaryllifolius

Common name - Rampe

Botanical name - Pandanus amaryllifolius

Family         - Pandanaceae

Life cycle - Perennial 

Guinea Grass Megathyrsus maximus

Common name - Guinea grass

Botanical name - Megathyrsus maximus

Family              - Poaceae

Life cycle - Perennial 

Monara Kudumbiya Vernonia cinerea

Common name - Monara Kudumbiya

Botanical name - Vernonia cinerea

Family              - Asteraceae

Life cycle - Annual

Geta Thumba/Wal Thumba Leucas zeylanica

Common name - Geta thumba/Wal Thumba

Botanical name  - Leucas zeylanica

Family              - Lamiaceae

Life cycle - Annual

Maha Undupiyaliya Desmodium heterophyllum

Common name - Maha Undupiyaliya

Botanical name - Desmodium heterophyllum

Family         - Fabaceae

Life cycle - Perennial

Balunaguta Stachytarpheta indica

Common name : Balunaguta

Botanical name : Stachytarpheta indica

Family : Verbinaceae

Life cycle : Annual

Kalanduru Cyperus rotundus

Common name - Hathawariya

Botanical name - Cyperus rotundus

Family         - Cyperaceae

Life cycle - Perennial

Adanahiriya Crotolaria mucronata

Common name : Adanahiriya

Botanical name : Crotolaria mucronata

Family : Fabaceae

Life cycle : Annual

Mottu thana Cyperus kyllingia

Common name : Mottu thana

Scientific Name: Cyperus kyllingia

Family               : Cyperaceae

Life cycle          :  Annual

Friday, March 16, 2018

Hathawariya Asparagus racemosus

Common name - Hathawariya

Botanical name - Asparagus racemosus

Family              - Asparagaceae

Life cycle - Perennial

Akkapana Bryophyllum pinnatum

Common name - Akkapana

Botanical name - Bryophyllum pinnatum

Family - Crassulaceae

Life cycle - Perennial

Diya Beraliya/Japan Jabara Eichhornia crassipes

Common name - Diya beraliya/Japan jabara

Botanical name - Eichhornia crassipes

Family         - Pontederiaceae

Life cycle - Perennial

Thuththiri Chrysopogon aciculatus

Common name  - Thuththiri 

Botanical name  - Chrysopogon aciculatus

Family  - Poaceae

Life cycle  - Perennial

Pol Pala Aerva lanata

Common name  - Pol Pala

Botanical name  - Aerva lanata

Family  - Amaranthaceae

Life cycle  - Perennial

Keekiridiya Eclipta prostrata

Common name  - Keekiridiya

Botanical name  - Eclipta prostrata

Family  - Asteraceae

Life cycle  - Perennial or Annual

Wel Penela Cardiospermum halicacabum

Common name  - Wel Penela 

Botanical name  - Cardiospermum halicacabum

Family  - Sapindaceae

Life cycle  - Annual

Kadupahara Crassocephalum crepidioides

Common name  -    Kadupahara

Botanical name  Crassocephalum crepidioides

Family  - Asteraceae

Life cycle  - Annual

Nidikumba Mimosa pudica

 <i>Mimosa pudica</i>

    Common name  Nidikumba

    Botanical name Mimosa pudica

    Family  Fabaceae

    Life cycle  Annual


    Heen Undupiyaliya Desmodium triflorum

    Common name  - Heenundupiyaliya
    Botanical name  - Desmodium triflorum
    Family             -  Fabaceae
    Life cycle             -  Perennial

    Bala thana Eleusine indica

    Common name :  Bala thana

    Scientific Name :  Eleusine indica

    Family                : Poaceae

    Life cycle           :  Annual

    Babila Sida rhombifolia

    Common name  –   Babila

    Botanical name   –   Sida rhombifolia

    Family –   Malvaceae

    Life cycle  –   Annual sometimes perennial 

    Kapum Keeriya Euphobia hirta

    Common name: Kapum keeriya
    Scientific Name: Euphobia hirta
    Family: Euphorbiaceae
    Life cycle: Annual

    Mahagirapala Commelina benghalensisM

    Common name – Mahagirapala

    Botanical name – Commelina benghalensis

    Family – Commelinaceae

    Life cycle – Perennial

    Thursday, March 15, 2018

    Wednesday, March 14, 2018

    Muthubeli Bimmal Pleurotus ostreatus Cultivation Methods

    • There are 3 types of Muthubeli Bimmal cultivated in Sri lanka; Thai type, American Type and Bhutan Type. 
    • Muthubeli Bimmal are cultivated in several ways;

      • Cultivation inside polypropylene bags with sawdust
      • Cultivation inside plates with straw
      • Cultivation inside polythene bags with straws
    Bhutan type mushroom

    Basic Requirements for Mushroom Cultivation

    Major Requirements for Mushroom Cultivation

    1. High quality mushroom spawns (seeds)
    2. A cottage with low temperature and relatively high moisture level (Light inside the room should be adjustable)
    3. A Barrel 
    4. Sawdust or Straw
    5. Polypropylene Bags/Polythene Bags/Basin 

    Tuesday, March 13, 2018

    Introduction to Mushroom Cultivation in Sri Lanka

    Click Here to Learn About Requirements For Mushroom Cultivation

    Mushroom cultivation in Sri Lanka is mostly done at household level as a small business. Cultivators of mushrooms are scattered around Sri Lanka. Even though there is a good market demand for good quality mushrooms most cultivators fail meet the demand and required quality most of the time due to lack of knowledge. Mushroom cultivation is a profitable business if done correctly.

    Monday, March 12, 2018

    Brief Introduction to Agriculture


    Food is among the few major needs required for the survival of animal. Without food an animal cannot survive. All the animals except for human being and domesticated animals fulfill the requirement of food from surrounding environment of their habitats. Thousands of years ago before the Neolithic era human being also fulfilled their requirement of food from their surrounding environment but, as the time went by food obtained from surrounding environment became insufficient. Need of more food became a matter of life and death which required an efficient answer and the answer for this matter was Agriculture. Agriculture is simply defined as the science and art of crop cultivation and raring animals. As this is a science it requires a certain knowledge to grow crops and rare animals. As this is an art it requires certain creativity to improve the productivity.